Mediation – Who, What, Where, When and How?

Who ? Anyone in dispute or representing those in dispute (lawyers, barristers, accountants, property managers, industry groups etc) can access mediation as a dispute resolution tool.

What ? Regardless of the nature of the dispute, Kato Collective has a mediator to suit your needs; be that commercial, family or personal.  Have a look at Kato’s list of areas of specialisation to find a mediator who has expertise in the area you need.

Why ? Mediation is private, in-expensive, quick, flexible, accessible, preserves relationships, achieves creative commercial resolutions where you have the most control over the outcome.

When ? Anytime. Experience tells us that mediation is more effective in resolving a dispute before parties have spent significant time and money entrenching themselves in their positions.  Kato Collective believes mediation should be a primary dispute resolution tool rather than simply seen as an alternative to litigation. 

How ?  Kato Collective mediators are all experienced and well traversed in the practical process of mediation. However, each of us will offer our own unique approach.  Mediations will involve a combination of joint/group and individual sessions with the mediator. Our talented Collective tailor the mediation process to meet the needs of the parties and the nature of the dispute. 


~ The Kato Collective

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